June 12, 2024


By The Greenery

We called our blog 'Sanctuary' because it is the word that best describes why we think The Greenery exists.

We are here to help people, with information, inspiration, products or services, to create their own sanctuary with their own gardens and homes.

And we have long been a destination for people wanting to wander, some time out, a familiar place to retreat to.

To have a sanctuary is the ultimate luxury.  A place that makes us feel safe and secure, where we raise our children, host family and friends, build a garden and a life is a privilege.

Oprah said that your home should rise up to greet you when you arrive home. I love this. You should see yourself in your home, it should support everything you do there. It should be your retreat, your oasis and the stage on which you live.

This blog will explore all aspects of creating your own sanctuary.